And then I was thinking about the blue-green algae bloom that happened just north of here yesterday, right near where I had swum. I saw the algae and tried to photograph it. I took some nice photos on that swim. When I was talking with my friend, John, I told him I swam with the cyanobacteria, and he asked me if I was tired of swimming with the manatees. Silly joke I know.
What's nice about this home-coming is that I have a nice tiny home to stay in, and lots of old friends to meet with. I visited Mannie yesterday, both in the tiny house, and in his fab office on the top floor of a condo building overlooking the lake. Then I saw my old buddy Mike was in the same building so I chatted with him too.
I am glad to be here. I hope you like some of these photos.
Also, don't forget to check out the videos on the videos tab, or subscribe to the video channel on the right.
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