Monday, August 29, 2016

U.S.P.S. Mail Boat, Sophie C, Runs Aground near Loon Island, Lake Winnipesaukee, Moon rise, Moonset Sunrise, Other Sunrises, Duck Butts, AMC Three Mile Island Tour, and More

I have been meaning to photograph the Sophie C, the U.S. Postal Boat that runs on Lake Winnipesaukee six days a week all summer. Well on Friday I saw the boat stopped by marine patrol. I hadn't known it had run aground at the time. Well, at least she posed for the photoshoot.

The next day we visited the mail boat at Bear Island and watched the Saturday morning festivities there. I just released a video that depicts the parting festivities. Here is a link. I hope you like it.

One night I walked out of the house and a big (no full) orange moon was rising. I experimented with photographing it and here are some results, including some interesting silhouettes of clothes pins in the moonlight. Of course there are sunrises, ducks on the transom, and fishing duck butts.

We also gave a tour of the houseboat at Three Mile Island, the Appalachian Mountain Club Camp for week 9 campers. That was very nice.

I have a photo of me, towing a pedal kayak to Shep's, where I met my friend and I have a photo of her kayaking back with me. And many more photos: deer, ducks, insects, etc.

Alls well. I hope you enjoy the photos.
And note this news flash: I just updated the Videos tab with lots of recent videos!

Moon Shot ... more later

The USPS Mail Boat, Sophie C Runs Aground at Loon Island, Lake Winnipesaukee

Duck Butts

More Duck Photos

More Moon Shots with Experimental Photos

Sunrises and Dawns

The US Mail Boat, Sophie C. At Bear Island

Claude with the Post Master of the Sophie C.

On the Walk to and From Mail Dock

Sunset Cruise Photos

 More Sunset Cruise Photos

Moonset Dawn

Appalachian Mountain Club Three Mile Island Wake with the Sun Presentation

Cricket Found on the Deck Box

Sticky Fresh Pine Cones Jettisoned at the Boat by a Red Squirrel

Today's Sunrise

Airplane Boat Checking out Wake with the Sun

Stormy Morning Paddle

Pedal Kayaking

Clouds Today, Shep's

The Dragonfly Drives the Boat

Check out my newest video about this event.