Thursday, March 29, 2018

Ice, Snow, Thaws, Rides, Getting Ready for Swims

Well, it's been a while since I last posted to the blog, and we have had many changes of weather. Ice, snow, rain, warm weather, bike rides, and cross-country skiing...and people have begun to swim in Walden Pond again.

I have been going around taking more ice photos, and then had a couple of XC ski trips - one to Highland Lodge in  NH, where I skied Bear Notch, Bretton Woods, and then Waterville Valley, and the second to Craftsbury outdoor center in craftsbury, VT. Craftsbury is a very cool place where the food is amazing and the skiing is good, even when it's not at its best.  They now have a few ev charging spots, but a bunch of ICE (internal combustion engine) cars blocked the parking for most of the weekend I was there.

We were invited to a party in early February in Rhode Island, and we brought the bikes down there and spent a bit of time on the East Bay bike path. Tough going in a cold winter wind.

We also  discovered the rail trail from Marlboro to Hudson, which was quite lovely.

I got one more skate in on Walden pond in mid-February. And I came to photograph the ice from time to time.

I haven't yet made it into the pond, but hope to start this month. Claude had his first outdoor swim of 2018 on Friday March 1. It was around 41 degrees in the water. He was not too cold, though. He is tough. Now we are closing in on the end of March and I am hoping to try either tomorrow or Saturday or both.

On the poetry, etc, front, one piece of news is I have a new twitter and instagram handle to go with my youtube channel: you can follow me @cb99videos on either. I've also have quite a few poems published lately. You can find links at

Another piece of news is that I have a reading of my plant-inspired poems at the Garden In the Woods in Framingham, as part of a benefit ($25.00 tickets) for their wine and cheese (and music and poetry) event that culminates Trillium Week on Friday May 11 from 6-8 PM. I hope some local friends can make that. I will be reading in the "ideas garden" and will be standing in a patch of wild strawberries (pre-season).

I also attended some cool readings - one by Dionne Brand... clearly in a class of her own as a writer/poet, and also Steph Burt. I have some photos of those readings here.

Well, I hope you enjoy these photos. Soon I will be back on the pond.

PS I started to write this about two weeks ago, and since we have had 3 Nor'easters, and I have taken many more photos. Most recently I took the wonderful opportunity of visiting the Old Frog Farm Pond in Harvard, MA. This is a beautiful spot, a farm, an artist studio, a chicken coop, a pond, and a wetland, along with an organic apple farm. It's a special place and I enjoyed taking photos there.

We also went to a party on March 17, which celebrated the holiday with a christmas-tree burning bonfire. I have some photos of this event as well.

An finally, some more poetry news here. I have had quite a run of poems accepted for publication recently. I am excited that I have poems coming out in April in Leveler and in May in Zingara Review, both online, and also in Gyroscope in print coming this spring as well. And my latest online poems are all listed here:  Also, on the poetry notes, I am very excited to be giving a reading as part of a benefit for the New England Wildflower Society for the culmination of their Trillium Week, which is on Friday May 11 from 6-8 PM. There will be live music, wine, and cheese, and trilliums, and I will be reading poems inspired by native and invasive plant species in the Ideas Garden. Here is a link to buy tickets for this worthy cause.

Happy Spring, Carla
Below is one of my favorite photos I took at the Old Frog Pond Farm. The scant sun reflects a tree shadow on the ice and water.

Old Frog Pond Farm

I visited the Old Frog Pond Farm in Harvard around March 16, just before the start of Spring. There was still a lot of snow on the ground, and it had been warm, but then a chill came through. I started inside the studio where a lemon tree and two camelias were growing. Then I ventured outside and around the grounds, orchard, and sculpture park. Here is a result.

Back in January, Photos of Ice and Tracks in the Ice and in the Grass

I took these Ice Pix at Walden and Heard Ponds Jan 28 2018

Ice Hunt January 2018

I kept hoping for skateable ice. Instead I found photographable ice.

Skiing the Aqueduct January 30

More Walden Pond Ice, Feb 10, 2018

Bike Ride on the East Bay Bike Path, Rhode Island, Feb 3, 2018

We took the opportunity to ride the East Bay Bike Path when we were headed to to RI for a party. 
It was a very cold windy day. Here are a few photos from that trip. 

This is the sunset through the car window when we were driving to the party in RI.

Late February, Walden Pond, Melted, Rainy Day

More Walden, after the melt

This is a mash of Mid Feb and Early March 

I went XC skiing around Bear Notch, Bretton Woods, and Waterville Valley in Mid-February. I also went XC skiing at Craftsbury Vt.  early March. This next batch of photos is kind of a mash of xc skiing, Ice hunting, and random photos.
Bear Notich

Bretton Woods, NH

Carlisle, after a Snow

Marlborough, MA

Walden Early March

Skiing Craftsbury Early March

Last Skate Walden, February

Meredith, NH Lake W, Mid February, Ice Huts

Craftsbury Vermont More Nordic Skiing

Off the bike Path, Marlborough to Hudson

Claude in Tyvek, Strawberry Heart, and Ice

This is Claude in a Tyvek suit, for cleaning the attic. Following this one is a heart-shaped strawberry, I had for Valentine's day.

Concord River Photos, Feb

Mar 1, Walden Pond, Bubbles, people, Swimmers

Pleasant Valley, Lenox, MA Family Outing, Starving Artist Cafe, Lee

We started at the Starving Artist Cafe in lee for Breakfast and then went to the museum of special effects. Then we headed over to Pleasant Valley Audubon, and snowshoed around in 18 inches of snow.

Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge, March 18

Storm Photos and Tracks March 15

Walden Pond, March 11, a Swimmer Mid-Pond

Carlisle Bonfire Party Chairs, Trees, Anything Goes March 17, 2018

Dinner with Friends

Dionne Brand

I attended a reading by Dionne Brand at Tufts. Phenomenal writer and thinker.

Valentine's Day

Forced Forsythia February

The yellow alliteration of the month.

More Indoor Plantings, including Jade and Oregano and Lily

Photos of the Exotic Looking Poet Steph Burt

Menotomy Grill on a Sunday Afternoon High School Kids' Jazz Ensembles

Asa Brebner and Trick Wallace et al at Sally O'Brien's Bar

Serendipity Cafe Open Mikers

Windblown Nordic Center NH March 26 Best Skiing

Here are some Recent (and very old) Poems

Two of these poems have appeared online recently and two I wrote at age 11

Dennis Brennan Band with Dinty Childs in the Interval Mar 28

Cool music as always at the Lizard Lounge on Wed night... great singing by Catharine David and Dinty Child had a great interval set.Not the best shots, as I used my Android. DBB members include Duke Levine, Kevin Barry, Richard Gates, and Billy Beard. Duke and Billy and Zack Hickman and others played with Dinty.

Charging Station on the Mass Pike 

You have to have an evgo account to use this. I do not yet have one. I am not that thrilled that you have to have an account with each type of charging station vendor. 

Legal Offices... Doing what we need to for our continued pleasure of docking on Bear Island

See you all soon we hope.

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