Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Cape and Lake

We had a sojourn to Cape Cod to spend time with good dear friends, eat great food, swim, play, swim, play, and check out the ocean. Contrary to popular news, we did not sight any sharks. Now we are back on the lake and "chilling.". It has been hot, huh? Well, just prior to heading out to the cape, we had two heat pumps installed, and thankfully, we are sitting in a comfortable room right now, looking out at the lake, while all the sizzle of summer is outside. We started today with a searing pink sunrise, and then came the lightening and thunder and now the air is fresh, and we were able to go "out" for dinner this evening. Lovely.

Here are some photos.

As always, it's lovely to hear from you.

PS Here are links to my latest videos:
This one is of Claude's favorite tool for renovations: The Rockwell multioscillating tool.

This is my review of our new paddleboards:

This is a video of me reading poetry at the Mayor of Boston Poetry Program for 2018:


This first photo is not so beautiful as telling. The robins that nest under my deck every year have a new crop of young ones this August who are suffering in the heat. I hope they make it through this week.

Cape Cod Pond and Beaches

I have so many lovely photos of our trip. I will try to give a few titles when I can. We spent most of our time around Slough Pond and near Newcomb Hollow Beach. We also visited White Pond in Chatham, and went sailing in Wellfleet Harbor.

White Pond, Chatham

Edgewood Farm, Castle Hill Truro Center for the Arts

My cousin was honored for his contributions to the art center while we were in town. It was nice to go there and see my family member being honored there since my mother and I used to meet at Castle Hill years ago, she taking a pottery workshop while I would take a writing workshop.

Wellfleet Harbor at Night

Sunset Slough Pond

Cicada on the table

Slough Pond Morning

PB Boulangerie Wellfleet

 A little slice of France in Wellfleet.


Slough Pond Evening

On to Race Point

As you can see from the next two photos, the black flag is the "shark" flag

Chillaxing on the Beach

Floaties on the Pond

More Beach

Paddleboarding Pond

Sunset from the Deck

Morning Paddleboarding

En Route to Beach and Beach

Sailing Wellfleet

Morning Swimming

Colors on the Beach

Mourning Paddles

A Family the Paddles Together

A Chillax View of the World

A Walk on the Beach 

More Paddling

More Floatie chilling

Morning Paddle, Gray Skies


Floatie Party

Facing Off with a Peacock


More Beach

Life with the Wake with the Sun, before and After Cape: Sunrises and Sunsets

Thomas Dolby in Natick

Between the Cape and the Lake I had the chance to see Thomas Dolby perform his music and storytelling at TCAN. Fans loved him.

Men at Work

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