Thursday, July 28, 2022

Heat of Summer!

 Oh dear. I have been living summer and not posting to this blog since Ice Out. My last post was April 14 and now, more than three months later it's almost August. For those of you living on the east coast and throughout the northern hemisphere, you've been through a lot with this heat these past weeks. But we've also had some beautiful weather here on the lake and have taken advantage of our swims, paddling, and hiking in the region. 

We have been staying healthy and at this very moment we are out on the lake in our houseboat, camping out decadently on our mooring, with our newly installed window AC, running off the solar panels. 

My new book of poems, "Signs of Marriage," came out in June and I have received lots of positive feedback from the readers I have heard from. If you are interested in a copy, here is a link to buy it on Amazon. You can also purchase it from the publisher, Finishing Line Press.

And here us a link to the promo video for the book:

I will be giving a live Zoom interactive poetry reading with the Poetry Society of NH on Tues Aug 2 7 PM  ET, and I will send a link to you if you let me know. 

Here are some of the many photos representing our lake life. The following pic is of a classic mid-spring Wake with the Sun moment. I don't tire of these sunrise photos from our house.

And Sunsets

Area Hiking with Views

We had the chance to discover some local hiking trails, including Rattlesnake Island from Lakes Region Conservation Trust,  Red Hill in Center Harbor, Mount Israel, also out of Center Harbor, and Mount Morton out of Holderness. 

There was some hairiness climbing Mt Morton

Sunset Pan

Assorted Pics from Out and About

New Red and Green Navigation Lights on the Solar Boat

Carla's New Waterproof MP3 Player


Cookouts On the Boat

Some folks have barbeques. We use the toaster oven and induction hot plate. 

Front and Back Covers of my new Book of Poems

Claude Spearheaded a Project to Raise the Package Shed at the Marina

Carla's Buoy Bouquet Project for our Cove

Dock Garden

Lake Life a Variety

Dock Garden

Home Garden

We named our other solar boat Solectric!

Easter Sunday in the Berkshires, Snow!

Mayor of Boston Poetry Program 2022 

One if my poems from the book, "Signs of Marriage" appears on the 6th floor of Boston City Hall for all of 2022. It's called "2020, Were You to have Lived."

Good Thang 2022

Every 6 months at the Arts at the Armory in Somerville, it's "Good Thang" or "Thangsgiving" an arts, dance, music, and spoken word extravaganza. 

Cape Cod Vacation 2022


Old Frog Pond Farm

I attended an annual reading at the Old Frog Pond Farm in Harvard. It was lovely. There will be one more celebration on Sunday, September 18. Here are a few photos.

Waterproof Camera 

Includes a photo of the inside of my Kayak (all blue).