So here we are, past mid-October, today, heading into November. The days are getting shorter. The water temperature is cooling. We find a chill in the air more and more.
Today, the 17th, when I am starting this, we took a tour of Bear Island by our tandem pedal kayak. Yesterday we had some long-needed rain all day long, and garnered over an inch. When we started out on the kayak trip today, we looked out toward the White Mountains in the distance, and they were already snow-covered. The winds were out of the northwest, so, we had to fight the winds and waves to start our on our tour, and as we went along, the Mount Washington tour boat came by us, and I caught it with snow-covered mountains in the distance. I had the waterproof camera with me, which doesn't have the best zoom or resolution, but I was able to capture some nice foliage scenes, some nice views of the clouds and mountains, and of course the lake.
I have been very busy working on emptying my house which has gone under contract, and if all goes well will sell November 6, if the world still exists after November 3. Mostly I am going back to the house to sell my remaining furniture and to pick the dwindling but still delivering raspberries.
Yes, this is a strange time. we are all still trying to stay healthy and keep safe, and yet feel like we are standing on shaky ground, waiting for the world to cave in, or explode, or, if reason prevails, celebrate with some hope for our future. We'll need more than luck. Let's hope.
The next day, Oct 18, we took a car trip to Franklin NH and rode our bikes on two trails: the Winnipesaukee River Trail, (goes from Franklin to Tilton, mostly along the river) and the Northern Rail Trail, which is a 57 mile long trail that passes through Franklin. We only rode north from Franklin on the trail to East Andover NH, and then turned around, hoping not to ride back in our boat at night to our island. No such luck as we took a detour of a stroll down to the Franklin Falls Dam. When we got to the marina, darkness came on quick, and we headed out into a serious wind against us with huge rollers heading up the lake our way. We made it back safely, if a little bounced around.
On the poetry news front, I have been taking part in a few readings that have been recorded online.
Here are a few links for you.
This link is for a reading from Covid Spring, Granite State Pandemic Poems from Hobblebush Press. The proceeds of this book go in part to help feed folks in need in NH. This link goes directly to my reading of my poem in the book, but you can listen to the entire reading.
Here is a link to my performance at the club passim open mike doing my piece, I'm an Alien to a Policeman, which seems to be still relevant after all this years.
Anyhow, here are a few pictures I have taken recently. I hope you enjoy.
These first photos are of a juvenile bald eagle who landed on the big rock in our cove, and later I saw up in a tree at the house next door to us.