Monday, July 6, 2015

Shelburne Farms

This evening we figured out we could go out on the town, so to speak, without ever leaving the lakeside. What we did was call Shelburne Farms, a farm-to-table restaurant on the penninsula, and made a reservation. We kayaked for less than 5 minutes over to a beach, and walked about 10 minutes up to the inn. 

Shelburne Farms is a nonprofit educational center, centered around sustainability. 

We had a lovely walk around the grounds (except for the mosquitos) and an exquisite meal. 

While we were there, we saw their solar farm, which included a tracking ground-mounted set of panels. When we returned, thought about how the tracking panel would end up at night. The photo tells all.

These are of the setting sun before we set out in the kayak.

These are the solar panels from the solar farm during the day, and then the tracking
set of panels at night.

This is Shelburn Farms, it grounds, and our meal, and the sunset

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